
The Customer needed to deploy a self-supported AWS environment that could house ITAR restricted data and be supported by the company’s US-based staff.


  • Compliance
  • Global Support


Solution Overview

CDW Deployed an AWS GovCloud environment. The base environment consisted of Master, Logging, Management, Network, Shared Services, Security, and application specific environments. Accounts were deployed for sandboxing and an ingress account was deployed for external vendors to control all incoming access. The network specific account was deployed to host an AWS Transit Gateway to interconnect the environment to the main company campus. Active Directory Domain Controllers were deployed in the environment to control access and roles. AWS Configuration rules were defined and configured to provide comprehensive drift detection and notification and was consolidated into an AWS Organization-wide aggregator hosted in the environment.



The result was highly-available, optimized, and secure cloud application infrastructure. The environment was enhanced by the automated and improved (dynamic) scalability and elasticity and the quicker time to deploy and update applications. The Standardized Role- Based Access Control (RBAC) Model provided alignment of roles, business unit requirements and security standards.

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