
The Customer recognized that their online banking application required more resources than they could provide in-house. They needed a solution that was robust, highly available, secure, and met all regulatory requirements for the banking industry while also allowing for a controlled development environment separated from the production environment with different access and rights.


  • Security 
  • Compliance 
  • Growth


Solution Overview

CDW developed a solution that utilized an AWS Landing Zone to provide common billing and controls at the top level, while also allowing for isolated environments for development and production. By implementing a common security infrastructure within AWS the Customer could log, monitor, and control security threats with a common team allowing developers and production support to work in their own environments- while still tied back to the main environment for security controls. By using the Account Vending Machine, new accounts could be added to the account tree quickly and with defined access controls.



The Customer experienced enhanced IT management. Their online banking application gained optimized and dynamic monitoring features, rapid root cause analysis, infrastructure consolidation, enhanced cost savings and cost tracking, repeatable deployment and templating, and dynamic access controls.

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