
The Customer had a pressing need to begin migration of existing applications to the cloud. They held the short-term objective to get applications migrated over the final three weeks of 2020 in order to ensure zero interruptions in their production environment.


Solution Overview

CDW onboarded the Customer to an AWS Control Tower environment that is managed by the CDW Cloud Transitional Services team in coordination with Amazon Managed Services. Within the base Control Tower, an application account was deployed to host application and file servers. AWS Snowball was utilized to transfer data to S3 volumes that were, in-turn, migrated to the appropriate file servers. A Managed AD domain was deployed in the cloud to allow for controlled authentication within the cloud-based servers and the Workspaces. Service Control Policies were deployed to set boundaries for resource usage and deployment to maintain cost and infrastructure control. AWS Config rules were defined and configured to provide comprehensive drift detection and notification and were consolidated into an AWS Organization wide aggregator hosted in the environment.



The result was highly-available, optimized, and secure cloud infrastructure. The environment was enhanced by the automated/improved scalability and elasticity and the quicker time to deploy and update applications. The Standardized Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) Model provided alignment of roles, business unit requirements and security standards. Using a combination of CDW and Amazon Managed Services, the Customer can focus on their core business and still maintain a consistent 99%+ uptime, allowing them to focus on line-of-business applications while reducing overall cost of ownership.

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