Standardize and simplify your Kubernetes fleet

with CDW’s Multicloud GitOps Foundation

What is Multicloud GitOps Foundation?

Multicloud GitOps Foundations is a multicloud framework for deployment of Kubernetes clusters to accelerate the use of GitOps approach to infrastructure and workload management.


Reduce deployment complexity and simplify your operations

Investing in cloud and cloud native technologies can come with challenges that frequently stall cloud native and multicloud efforts during the cloud adoption journey. Our approach to solving these challenges involves leveraging a pre-validated tool chain that significantly simplifies deployment and operations. It creates an abstraction layer from public cloud that makes code resources more reusable across clouds and easier to consume. In addition it comes with security tooling and a starter kit for supporting stack resources for things like advanced networking and observability. This allows us to use an opinionated approach to get organizations started with a multi-cloud adoption framework faster.

See how Multicloud GitOps Foundation
can help you deploy faster




Benefits of Multicloud GitOps Foundation



Deploy clusters and workloads on any of the big 3 cloud providers, to Bare Metal, to VMware, and to Edge


Code-first approach

Use the benefits of IaC - repeatability
and consistency across clouds



Recreate clusters on demand and spin up new resources quickly



Reduce complexity with easy to deploy supporting software



Platform is customizable and modularized


Deploy and reduce administrative burden of managing Kubernetes at scale manage

Toil Reduction

Reduce toil reduction by using end to end automation


Standardized and codified higher and lower environments

See Spectro Cloud Palette, a core component of the MultiCloud GitOps Foundation engagement in action




Frictionless deployment with GitOps


Easy onboarding

Devs are already in Git - not required to learn anything new

Merge Requests to gate deployments - devs use them every day


Onboarding a new project/repo = 1 small YAML file

Great visibility


Argo CD UI is a single pane of glass for deployments


Zero config drift, powerful troubleshooting


Deployment history = Git history

CDW gets Application Modernization and Software Engineering

Digital Velocity is the most technical Solutions Integrator in the industry. With three of the world's 67 Google Cloud Fellows on staff, 250+ engineers with expertise spanning from Certified Kubernetes Architects to Cisco DevNet Professionals, and a full-stack software development practice, Digital Velocity is your technical services partner when results and velocity matter.

Let us help you get started.