Safeguarding Your Hybrid or Multi-Cloud Environment for Unparalleled Peace of Mind
Unlock a world of possibilities with CDW’s Google Cloud Security Foundation Assessment. Meticulously crafted to cater to your unique organizational requirements. Whether you’re embarking on a Greenfield deployment to GCP, taking your first steps in migrating workloads, or you’re a seasoned GCP expert aiming to align your cloud security with industry standards, our offering is designed to flex and adapt to your needs. Cloud security evolution starts here.
Seize an unparalleled opportunity for your organization to tap into the immense wisdom of CDW’s Google Cloud experts. With CDW’s GCP Cloud Security Foundation Assessment, you’ll embark on a transformative journey, gaining a profound understanding of the security of your GCP ecosystem.
Supercharge your innovation by gaining invaluable insights into your Google Cloud security posture. Harness the expertise of CDW’s Opinionated Architectures and Google Cloud’s best practices to drive your cloud architects towards crafting an ultra-secure, high-performance cloud infrastructure.
Empower your organization with CDW’s expertise, gaining control and confidence in your resilient, secure Google Cloud environment. CDW, as a Premier Google Cloud Partner and MSP, enhances your ability to meet core security and compliance needs within a highly detailed architected network, safeguarding your data, identities, applications, and devices.
CDW’s Google Cloud Security Foundation is your indispensable asset for gaining profound insights into the security capabilities and best practices of the Google Cloud Platform.
IAM provides a way to control who has access to your Google Cloud resources and what they can do with them.
Security scanning tools can help you identify security vulnerabilities in your Google Cloud environment.
Threat detection and response tools can help you detect and respond to cyberattacks.
Google Cloud offers a number of compliance tools to help you meet your compliance requirements.
At CDW, we understand that security is paramount in today's digital landscape. As businesses migrate to the cloud, ensuring a robust security foundation is crucial. That's why we're thrilled to introduce our Google Cloud Security Foundations Service — a comprehensive solution designed to safeguard your digital assets and data on Google Cloud Platform.