Supercharge customer
    and agent experience

    Reimagine your Customer Experience (CX) with Google Cloud’s CCAI Platform and CDW’s Intelligent CX Practice.

    Join CDW and Google Cloud’s journey on Contact Center as a Service (CCaaS) solutions that are leveraged by contact centers that host seats from tens to thousands of agents handling complex situations and meeting customer expectations successfully and positively. 

    The CX landscape

    From AI-powered applications that enable time and cost savings, intelligent services, efficient CX management, and the next generation of actionable customer behavioral insights - to AI-empowered agents that are boosted to solve customer problems quickly and effectively. Contact Center AI (CCAI) has the routes that intertwine your digital channels and improve them with AI capabilities. With Contact Center AI, organizations implement:

    • Up-to-date and complete historical comprehensive data profiles on customers
    • Increased customer satisfaction through personalized digital and in-app experiences
    • Higher agent satisfaction due to predictive analytics and AI-driven routing
    • Reduced operational costs due to reduction in agent training

    Download our whitepaper on Reimagining CX

    Widen your cloud horizon

    Virtual assistants, chatbots, and AI all tie into play of the contact center (CC) environment; however, an organization can not solely depend on these self-service tactics for complex customer issues. Automated services are most reliable for all simple queries like order status, billing, making a payment, etc. This is why it is crucial to have a mix of live and automated virtual agents. 

    Google Cloud’s CCAIP has an AI agent assist feature that reinforces human agents by providing real-time call transcripts whether escalated from the virtual agent or pulling historical data to reference during a call, as well as providing the agent-recommended responses and answers in real-time. This reduces the amount of time an agent would normally spend searching for answers and allows them to focus on providing an enhanced customer experience.  


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