Modernize your application deployment through DevOps adoption

CDW DevOps Enablement for Cloud Applications

Enabling Cloud Applications through DevOps

CDW’s Digital Velocity team has been leading the charge for accelerating our customers’ time to value with their applications through the adoption of DevOps tools, methods and processes.

With our DevOps Enablement for Cloud Applications engagement, our expert team will guide, collaborate and train your development and operations teams on how to use industry standard technologies to:

  • Increase cloud application deployment frequency
  • Increase time to market
  • Decrease deployment time
  • Increase successful deployments

With hundreds of engagements already delivered for clients from funded startups to Fortune 100 companies, we understand our customers’ challenges of adopting DevOps as a practice. Our approach enables organizations to learn how to incorporate these tools and begin applying them across their cloud application landscape.


What you can expect

Faster deployment methods

Repeatable patterns for faster application delivery 

Workflow enhancement

DevOps Enablement from a developer's perspective

Hands-on implementation

Real-world adoption of DevOps processes and technologies

Initial launch strategy

MVP deployment of your application using IaC and a CI/CD pipeline

What your engagement looks like

Digital Velocity’s prescriptive approach to DevOps Enablement for Cloud Applications


Unlock the full potential of your cloud journey with CDW, optimizing your DevOps adoption for unparalleled growth and efficiency

Benefits of DevOps Enablement


  • DevOps enables organizations to
    deploy and maintain
    applications quicker

  • New services can be realized faster using DevOps processes versus non-automated methods

  • Cloud-native applications benefit the most from DevOps tooling for continuous deployment


  • Continuous integration accelerates newly developed features and functionality into production faster

  • Faster deployment allows for faster response to customer needs and market changes


  • Fewer manual deployment errors
    means less downtime

  • Automated testing reduces the cost of identifying and fixing defects in production

  • Automated infrastructure provisioning and deployment can scale resources up or
    down quickly

Increased stability and availability

  • Automated testing
    identifies issues early in
    the development and deployment processes

  • Reduces the risk of production incidents, data breaches, and compliance violations

Benefits of continuous education

The long-term goal of the DevOps Enablement for Cloud Applications engagement is to inform and instruct our customers how to use Infrastructure-as-Code and CI/CD pipelines to modernize their application deployment processes. Education is the key to adoption and enablement. Digital Velocity seeks to enable our customers on their cloud journey, not simply engage as a part of it.

Successful enablement is a two-way street. Digital Velocity will provide industry experts who know how to identify, design and implement DevOps technologies while simultaneously training our customers on the tools and processes. Customers should also be prepared to invest the time of their staff, SMEs and stakeholders to learn both conceptually and hands-on from DV engineers.

Industry-leading technology

Digital Velocity continually evaluates the technology landscape for solutions and vendors who are leading the charge in digital disruption and setting the standard for adoption. The DevOps Enablement engagement centers primarily on two vendor solutions considered the leader in their technology space.

Microsoft’s Azure DevOps is a cloud-based, complete DevOps toolchain that includes version control, build automation, release management, and a variety of collaboration and project management tools. The DevOps Enablement engagement leverages Azure DevOps for its strong yet easy to use VCS and CI/CD tooling.

Hashicorp’s Terraform is the industry standard for Infrastructure as Code due to its declarative syntax, extensive provider ecosystem, and robust features, allowing users to define and manage infrastructure in a scalable and efficient manner. Its widespread adoption is driven by its support for multi-cloud environments and simplified infrastructure provisioning.

DevOps enablement discovery workshops

The primary goal of the Discovery Workshops is to establish goals and targets for the Terraform and Azure DevOps design. The focus is on the customer’s people, processes, and technologies as the primary tenants for a solid and scalable DevOps solution. Discovery sessions are designed to gather organizational information and baselining. Inputs from stakeholders or Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) from multiple teams are required to drive an effective DevOps solution. The Digital Velocity architect will collect inputs from the discovery sessions to influence and shape the overall design.


Additionally, Digital Velocity and the customer will review and identify a single application that will be the use case for the DevOps deployment. Certain applications are good candidates for DevOps deployments and the workshops will be used to help down select which application should be targeted.

DevOps solution designing

The DevOps Solution Design phase is where the Digital Velocity architect begins hosting interactive design sessions with key decision makers. These workshops are collaborative in nature as the architect will educate on the technologies and solicit feedback on certain design elements. Education involves both conceptual reviews of CI/CD and Infrastructure as Code, as well as any relevant vendor specifics of Azure DevOps and Terraform.

The final step of the Design phase is delivery and certification of the DevOps deployment design. The architect will share an initial set of diagrams, collect feedback, and then generate a final design to be jointly approved by key stakeholders.

Implement DevOps toolchains

The final phase of the DevOps Enablement engagement is the Implementation phase. Digital Velocity engineers deploy and configure all DevOps elements based on the agreed upon design. This includes the configuration of the ADO organization, use case-specific ADO project, and development of Terraform code required for application infrastructure deployment.

This phase is performed in paired-programming style, where Digital Velocity DevOps Engineers are coupled with the customer’s engineers during development. A normal cadence involves daily stand-ups and regular working sessions or sync-ups.

At the conclusion of this phase, a fully functional CI/CD pipeline is established for application deployment, including both infrastructure and application code. Customer engineers will be trained on how to operate the pipeline as well as update infrastructure code and application configuration.

Accelerate DevOps adoption

The DevOps Enablement engagement provides customers with the tools and education to begin applying DevOps strategies to their current and future application landscapes. Customer engineers have been trained on how to:

  • Recognize good application candidates for DevOps
  • Develop a deployment architecture
  • Generate Infrastructure as Code
  • Build CD pipelines for application deployment

Digital Velocity will always be there for our customers who need our expertise in these practices and methodologies. But customers can feel confident in their own skills after this enablement engagement. CDW and Digital Velocity will always advocate for making our customers stronger and more competent in their ability to deliver IT.