Empower Your
Data Transformation

With CDW's Azure Data Estate Modernization Journey

Empower Your
Data Transformation

With CDW's Azure Data Estate Modernization Journey

Discover Your Data's Hidden Value

As a trailblazing partner in implementing cutting-edge technology solutions, CDW is committed to your success in the ever-evolving digital landscape. Our Azure Data Estate Modernization Journey empowers your organization with a transformative approach, leveraging the robust Microsoft Modern Data Platform. We recognize the challenges businesses face when it comes to extracting valuable insights from vast data reservoirs. That's why we're dedicated to simplifying and optimizing your data processes, equipping you with the tools to make smarter, data-driven decisions while efficiently managing your business.

Drive Business Growth with Data Modernization

Struggling to make informed business decisions with elusive data insights? CDW has the solution. Experience the transformative power of the Microsoft Modern Data Platform, tailored to address your pain points and unlock your data's true potential. Our expert team will guide you from discovery to implementation, centralizing, ingesting, preparing, managing, and serving data from diverse sources. Seamlessly integrating cutting-edge analytics, data centralization, and machine learning capabilities, we drive proactive decision-making and strategic growth. Say goodbye to data silos and manual efforts, enhance operational efficiency, and embrace scalability, agility, and exceptional customer experiences.

Data Transformation with Real-World Benefits


Enhanced Decision Making for Your Business

Access to a centralized modern data platform provides you with a comprehensive view of your data, enabling informed and data-driven decision-making at every level of your organization.


Improved Operational Efficiency

A centralized modern data platform streamlines data processes, eliminating data silos and reducing manual effort. This leads to improved operational efficiency, optimized workflows, and time savings for better productivity. It also provides a foundation to most effectively implement modern AI solutions for your business.


Strategically Actionable Insights

By leveraging a centralized modern data platform, you gain valuable insights from your data, enabling you to identify trends, patterns, and opportunities. These insights drive proactive actions and strategic initiatives for business growth.


Scalability and Agility

A centralized modern data platform offers scalability and agility, allowing customers to handle growing data volumes and adapt to evolving business needs. It provides the flexibility to scale resources and capabilities as the organization expands.


Enhanced Customer Experience

With a centralized modern data platform, you can analyze and understand your customers better. This leads to personalized and targeted experiences, improved customer satisfaction, and increased customer loyalty. This applies to both internal and external users of your services.

CDW will help you plan, design and implement the foundation of your modern data estate in about 30 days. This engagement is designed to take advantage of Microsoft funding subsidies when applicable.

Moving Through the Azure Data Estate Modernization Journey

CDW provides you with the expert guidance necessary to assess, design, develop, and deploy your Modern Data Estate. You can also leverage our follow-on services to accelerate your modern technology adoption strategy to garner further business benefits and competitive advantages.

Assessment and Discovery of Your Current Data Architecture

During the Assessment and Discovery phase, we engage with you to fully understand your data challenges, examining your data sources and conducting interviews with your business and technical stakeholders. This thorough exploration sets the groundwork for devising a tailored data modernization strategy that aligns with your unique requirements.

Plan and Design Your Modern Data Platform

Moving forward, we collaborate with you to select pilot workloads and technology that best support your business objectives. Together, we delve into crucial security considerations to ensure a robust and secure data platform. This strategic planning and design phase lays the foundation for an effective and efficient modern data estate.

Deploy Modern Data Landing Zone/Pilot Environment

In this phase, we put our plans into action, instantiating all the components necessary to support the pilot workload. We meticulously configure security options, ensuring that your data and insights are safeguarded. Furthermore, we provide knowledge transfer sessions to empower your team to effectively operate and utilize the platform to its fullest potential.

Accelerate Your Digital Transformation

As we near completion of your modern data landing zone, our expert team provides a roadmap for widescale adoption and integration. We explore additional services and technologies that can leverage the newfound capabilities of your modern data estate, accelerating your digital transformation and maximizing the value of your data investments.

Fast-track Your Digital Journey

Once your modern data estate is deployed and in use, Digital Velocity offers an array of follow-on services, including widescale Data Transformation and Analytics Services, Infrastructure Automation, Application Development and Modernization, Cloud Governance, Cloud Security Deployments, AI & ML Engagements, and Modern Managed Services. These cohesive services extract maximum value from your technology investments, driving a larger digital transformation movement within your company.

With our off-the-shelf and custom cloud-native technology solutions, we ensure the utmost impact and ROI for your cloud investment, now and into the future. Leverage our extensive expertise and skilled engineers to elevate the velocity of your company's digital transformation journey.

Our Certifications



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Data and AI Innovation Azure Solution Only