Simplify and streamline your migration

with CDW’s VMware Cloud on AWS Migration

VMware Cloud on AWS Migration

The VMC Migration engagement facilitates the migration of existing on-prem VMware-based workloads and builds on existing foundations to accelerate the movement of workloads into a VMware Cloud on AWS. Designed to be a direct follow-on to the CDW VMC Enterprise engagement, this focuses on rapidly assessing the source environment, building a plan, and facilitating the migration.


Who is this for?

Customers who have established a VMC Enterprise deployment and are ready to migrate their organizations on-prem workloads to VMware Cloud on AWS.

CDW VMware Cloud on AWS Migration - How it gets done

Project management

CDW project manager's will drive the alignment of your business stakeholders to support and drive a successful cloud adoption program. It builds understanding and commitment to the initiatives as well as enables understanding of the business objectives, impacts, and delivery plans.

Discovery and migration

Discovery and migration begins large-scale lift-and-shift of in-scope systems. Application waves and groupings will be used to schedule and facilitate migrations into the cloud environment. This will be an iterative and continuous process that will accelerate as subsequent workloads are moved and experience is gained.

  • Collecting and analyzing the data required to create a detailed migration plan.
  • Performs a deeper discovery of an identified migration wave to build an initial target state architecture.
  • Carries out the migration of an identified wave and implements any requisite target state architecture.
  • Test, cutover and validation activities will be performed to ensure migration success.

Ready to simplify and streamline your migration?